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[XJY Theknoloji ea Tšireletso ea Tikoloho] E Senotsoe! Mochini o kopantsoeng oa kalafo ea likhoerekhoere ka tlas'a lefatše: tharollo e ncha ea ho hloekisa likhoerekhoere ka katleho e phahameng, ho boloka matla le prot ea tikoloho e tala.



1.Equipment Overview

Mochini o kopantsoeng oa ho hloekisa likhoerekhoere ka kakaretso o patoa ka tlas'a lefatše ka kakaretso. Ntlha ea pele, e tiisa hore mocheso oa metsi bakeng sa ho ba teng le ho ikatisa ha libaktheria tsa likokoana-hloko ke ntho e tloaelehileng; ea bobeli, e arola moea ka ntle ho thepa, e leng se loketseng ho thibela kutu ea thepa ka ntle; ea boraro, e fokotsa lerata la tikoloho e potolohileng. Ho feta moo, karolo e ka holimo ea thepa e koahetsoe ke mobu, e ka ba e tala kapa e thata ka ho toba meahong ea litsela. Thepa e kopantseng ka tlas'a lefatše ea likhoerekhoere ha e le hantle ha e nke mehloli ea mobu ebile e nka sebaka se senyenyane. Thepa e na le masoba a ho shebella, e leng se loketseng tlhokomelo ea thepa. Sesebelisoa sa ho laola motlakase se sebetsa ka boiketsetso, se boloka litšenyehelo tsa basebetsi le ts'ebetso e bonolo.


2.Molao-motheo oa ho sebetsa

1.Ka mor'a hore likhoerekhoere li tšoaroe ke sefahla sa anaerobic, khatello ea lintho tse emisitsoeng, lintho tse silafatsang le naetrojene li fokotsehile, 'me mojaro oa bethe ea oxidation e latelang e boetse e fokotsehile; e ka ba le phello e ntle ea adsorption. Nakong ea kholo le ts'ebetso ea ho ikatisa holim'a li-filler, likokoana-hloko tsa aerobic li theha sebaka se seholo sa holim'a metsi le biofilm e phahameng ea mahloriso, e ka khonang ho monya boholo ba lintho tse silafatsang tse phelang metsing ka bongata, ho fokotsa bongata ba lintho tse silafatsang; Ntle le moo, phello ea ho monya le ho bola, ha moea o ntse o fetisetsoa ka har'a setsi, likokoana-hloko tsa aerobic li ka nka lintho tse silafatsang tse adsorbed e le limatlafatsi 'meleng bakeng sa metabolism, eo karolo ea eona e sebelisetsoang kholo ea bona le ho ikatisa, le karolo ea eona. e fetohang carbon dioxide le metsi.

2. Sebelisa hantle tanka ea sedimentation, sebelisa matla a khoheli ho etsa hore seretse se emisitsoeng ka matla a khoheli a itseng a be kholo ho feta metsi a litšila tsa bethe ea oxidation ho ea botebong ba tanka, e le ho a ntša metsing le ho netefatsa boleng bo botle ba marotholi; seretse se lutseng ka tlase se tla khutlela betheng ea ho kopana le oxidation ho boloka sludge concentration ea bethe ea ho kopana le oxidation; kapa sebelisa tanka ea ho thibela likokoana-hloko ho bolaea litšila ka chlorine e tiileng, e ka bolaeang libaktheria, E. coli, likokoana-hloko le likokoana-hloko tse ling tse ka metsing. Metsi a hloekisitsoeng a hlakile ebile a hlakile, ha a na monko, 'me palo ea libaktheria le E. coli e ka finyella litekanyetso tsa naha tsa ho ntša likhoerekhoere.

3.Mosebetsi oa sefa sa anaerobic biological ke ho sefa, hydrolyze le denitrify. Filler e thibela le ho sefa likaroloana tse kholo le lintho tse tiileng tse emisitsoeng ka metsing; likokoana-hloko tsa anaerobic li ka fetola lintho tse kholo tsa molek'hule tse sa qhibiliheng ka metsi hore e be lintho tse qhibilihang ka har'a limolek'hule; likokoana-hloko tsa anaerobic li adsorb le ho monya litšila tse phelang metsing, tseo karolo ea tsona e sebelisetsoang khōlo ea tsona le ho ikatisa, 'me karolo ea eona e lokolloa ka tiiso ea metsi e bōpehileng joaloka U ka sebōpeho sa biogas; metsi a litšila a tsoang betheng ea ho kopana le oxidation a khutlisetsoa sefaleng sa anaerobic, 'me likokoana-hloko tse denitrifying ka likokoana-hloko tsa anaerobic li ka sebelisa naetrojene ea nitrate metsing a khutlang' me ea e fetola khase ea naetrojene ho tlosa lintho tsa naetrojene ka har'a likhoerekhoere.


3.Khetho ea lisebelisoa

Ha u khetha mochine o kopantsoeng oa phekolo ea likhoerekhoere ka tlas'a lefatše, ho na le tumellano ea hore tumellano ena ke ho fokotsa litšenyehelo. Ha u khetha, u lokela ho nahana ka ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa morero le ho finyella morero oa ho hloekisa likhoerekhoere. Ha u khetha, u tlameha ho nahana ka ts'ebetso ea tsamaiso ea likhoerekhoere ka mokhoa o pharaletseng le o qaqileng ho latela litlhoko tsa hau tsa 'nete le ka har'a tekanyo e sebetsang, e le hore u khethe lisebelisoa tsa tsamaiso ea likhoerekhoere tse ka tlas'a lefatše tse u tšoanelang.